Here are the names and information of the ones who allowed this to happen.
Also when Corporal Mahady of the PA STATE Police came with Art Jenkins, Broker, Pocono Advantage real estate to throw me out and board up the house, My family cats were inside. this is inhumane and abusive. But they did it anyway.
She contacted PETA and their response was this ( I will no longer support this ) These are letters she sent and recieved and no help has come to save her animals . These people beg to receive help to save animals. So why are they not helping?
PETA backed out yesterday ( I have removed the email of the one requesting help to ensure her privacy and safety)
-----Original Message-----
From: Brianna Brumbaugh <>
Sent: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 11:22 am
Subject: RE: No Paws Left Behind
I’m sorry; I don’t have any additional area contacts besides those we’ve already talked about.
Please know that PETA does
not support feral cats and promotes killing, rather than allowing
them to live their lives in their outdoor homes. You can read our open
response to PETA to learn more:
do think that legal advocacy has to be a part of the solution, which is
probably why local animal rescue groups aren’t equipped to get involved
at this stage.
We’re also restricted from providing legal counsel. I completely
understand how frustrating this is, but these animal groups also have to
work within the confines of the law and the legal action already taken.
left a message for Daniella, but haven’t heard back. If you talk to
her again, can you also pass my number along to her? She can reach me
at 240-482-2595.
I know that she’s providing a lot of guidance for you, so I understand
that she’s busy!
Brianna Brumbaugh
National Cat Help Desk Manager, Alley Cat Allies
7920 Norfolk Ave. Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814-2525
Phone: 240-482-2595
Fax: 240-482-1990

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Join FeralPower! today to show your support and stay informed regarding issues impacting stray and feral cats.
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Thank you.
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 7:34 PM
To: Brianna Brumbaugh
Subject: Re: No Paws Left Behind
we are leaving the tempy residence we have been living in 2 blocks
away from the cats. My daughter is down there now getting them set
up for a real long
day -- instead of feeding them in the morning and at night we maybe
can only feed them once a day -- we are going to be living 12 miles
away from them. I have called everyone I can, today PETA called and
told me that until Nicole the animal control
officer gets moving they can do nothing.
needs to go to channels.
Called Daniella MacFadden and told her
If you know of anyone that can help me out in the Lehigh Valley please get in touch with me. 484-619-4619
I think it's deplorable and detestable that people who claim to want to assist won't
-----Original Message-----
From: Brianna Brumbaugh <>
Sent: Tue, Mar 26, 2013 2:43 pm
Subject: RE: No Paws Left Behind
From: Brianna Brumbaugh <>
Sent: Tue, Mar 26, 2013 2:43 pm
Subject: RE: No Paws Left Behind
Hi JoAnn,
so glad to hear this news! I know you still have a lot in front of
you, but it’s a relief to know that the cats will have access to food,
water, and care.
Networking is really the key to placing cats – I can direct you to a few of our guidelines that may help:
Stray or Feral? explains the behavior responses in socialized cats and feral cats; this may help you determine
which cats are appropriate for indoor adoption
Relocation offers the proper protocols for relocating feral cats to a new outdoor space, when absolutely necessary
Keep me updated, and let me know if you have any questions after reviewing this information.
Brianna Brumbaugh
National Cat Help Desk Manager, Alley Cat Allies
7920 Norfolk Ave. Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814-2525
Phone: 240-482-2595
Fax: 240-482-1990

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Join FeralPower! today to show your support and stay informed regarding issues impacting stray and feral cats.
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any copies. Thank you.
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 3:26 PM
To: Brianna Brumbaugh;;;
Subject: Re: No Paws Left Behind
Hi Brianna
Friday, Ginger Wolfe, Attorney for Animals, Animal Rights Coalition
610-821-9552 and Daniella MacFadden Forgotten Felines got on the phone
together and called
Corp. Mahady at The Belfast Barracks at the PA state Police and
explained to the Corporal that having animals boarded up in a home is
abusive, and inhumane. Ginger became my feral cat's attorney. He
relented and gave me, my daughter and others the rights
to the property so we can feed the cats outside and possibly get them
and find them new homes if possible.
did get the paperwork and I have reviewed it there is no paperwork
attached for the 31st on January that is relevant or even forcible --
this is just paperwork
to make it look like they have the upper hand. So, Sat. we took
down the plywood that covered the door and the front door was wide open.
My daughter and I went to the hardware store and locked up the house.
We now go down every day or twice a day
to feed the cats.
If you can find resources great the dead line is not as pressing as it was when the deception occurred over a week ago.
In addition, Office of Inspector General is in on this.
as well as congressman and state senator's office
please keep in touch going forward we need to find alternative homes for these kitties if possible thank you .
-----Original Message-----
From: Brianna Brumbaugh <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 25, 2013 3:11 pm
Subject: RE: No Paws Left Behind
From: Brianna Brumbaugh <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 25, 2013 3:11 pm
Subject: RE: No Paws Left Behind
know you’re constantly on the phone with others who may be in a
position to assist you, so I thought I’d follow up with an email.
been trying to research additional resources that may be helpful, but I
haven’t received any other responses. Please know that I do recognize
the urgency
of this situation, as do others, but unfortunately I’m not aware of
resources that exist to safely place the cats on a deadline.
if you are in touch with local groups who can assist with foster care
of the adoptable cats, I may be able to get back in touch with No Paws
Left Behind
to enlist their help in having the animals removed from the home.
However, I’m concerned that this will place the cats which are not
socialized at great risk.
you heard back from anyone else? Your attorney may be the most
important link at this point, since a third party would not be able to
challenge the legal
boundaries that the Corporal has placed.
Brianna Brumbaugh
National Cat Help Desk Manager, Alley Cat Allies
7920 Norfolk Ave. Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814-2525
Phone: 240-482-2595
Fax: 240-482-1990

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Join FeralPower! today to show your support and stay informed regarding issues impacting stray and feral cats.
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From: Brianna Brumbaugh
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 3:49 PM
Subject: No Paws Left Behind
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 3:49 PM
Subject: No Paws Left Behind
sorry you felt like your time was wasted talking to the President of No
Paws Left Behind. They are a national group who helps prevent animals
from being surrendered
or abandoned in foreclosure situations. What they could potentially
assist with is the fact that the animals are being confined on the
property without access to anyone. Please know that Cheryl was trying
to help.
No Paws Left Behind is not a rescue organization. Because of that, I
see this as a two-stage approach. If the bank has the cats removed, and
you cannot
claim them due to your circumstances, Animal Control will take them to
the municipal shelter where they would be killed. This is where
connecting with local rescue groups can help intervene. They may not be
able to respond to your request for assistance
while law enforcement is preventing anyone from entering the house, but
perhaps could respond if you asked for help with the second stage – how
to keep the cats safe once out of the home. If intervention from No
Paws Left Behind could arrange to get the
cats out, perhaps a local group could help you network to find
placement or foster homes.
know that animal rescue groups are often stretched to the limit, and
the fact that some of these cats are “indoor ferals” makes it more
difficult. Some of the
cats may need to be relocated outdoors, because they’re not socialized
for indoor adoption. Relocation would involve finding a “barn home” and
confining them in an outdoor enclosure for a few weeks, to get them
used to the sights and smells, before releasing
Again, I’m sorry you feel that the resources I provided weren’t useful.
Brianna Brumbaugh
National Cat Help Desk Manager, Alley Cat Allies
7920 Norfolk Ave. Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814-2525
Phone: 240-482-2595
Fax: 240-482-1990

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Join FeralPower! today to show your support and stay informed regarding issues impacting stray and feral cats.
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us immediately by responding to this email and delete or destroy it and
any copies. Thank you.
Also contacted NO HELP
Oh, yes and the PHILA region Nicole and Hector and the Harrisburg
Kathy Chrantz Animal Health and Welfare 610-252-7722
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