Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chase Wamu Merger - Who really owns the loans?

Crowd Sourcing on the Chase-WAMU Merger and the Owner of the Loans

by Neil Garfield
LivingLies is crowd-sourcing this one. Send your transcripts, articles, letters to neilfgarfield@hotmail.com. We want to know what you have about the Chase WAMU merger and what effect your information has on the ownership of loans that were originated or acquired by WAMU. Remember there were multiple parties involved in this ---
  1. Washington Mutual and subsidiaries, some of which still exist independently,
  2. the ex-OTS (office of thrift supervision),
  3. the FDIC receiver Richard Schoppe,
  4. the US Trustee in WAMU bankruptcy,
  5. Washington Mutual itself apart from the estate created and kept by the receiver and
  6. Washington Mutual itself apart from the estate created and kept by the U.S. Bankruptcy trustee, and of course
  7. Chase Bank whose merger document (on the FDIC website) with WAMU excludes loans and states that the consideration was zero for the merger.
Information about any of these and any cases in which the ownership of loans was at issue would be greatly appreciated. We will publish the list of resources as it grows.

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