This is happening now to this woman Joann Kennedy in PA.
Please lets help her, seeings how her own elected officials have failed.
This is a picture of my home it's legal address is 4293 first Terrace,
Bangor PA -- the fake address is the 4293 Hillendale road address
this property address is located in the Hess cornfield off of TR 713.
The Hess farm is very big over 100 acres and been in the Hess family for
over 200 years. What has happened is that Wells Fargo submitted a
Wells Fargo note to
This is a picture of my home it's legal address is 4293 first Terrace,
Bangor PA -- the fake address is the 4293 Hillendale road address
this property address is located in the Hess cornfield off of TR 713.
The Hess farm is very big over 100 acres and been in the Hess family for
over 200 years. What has happened is that Wells Fargo submitted a
Wells Fargo note to Fannie Mae in 2005 with this address 4293
Hillendale Road (Public records manipulation... and my husband's
signature. My husband died in 1998 -- id theft. I am wondering if
the mortgage crisis perpetrated by these greedy banksters have
devised a twisted form of the straw purchase. Taking a note,
fraudulently prepared or not (highly unlikely) swapping it for
gains/commissions in the secularization trust pools and then tanking the
homeowner and destroying the credit rating and stealing the house
still while holding on to the investment. Matt Weidner explains when
does a non-negotiable instrument become a negotiable security.....
albeit the same mortgage note?
This above scenario has just happened to me. And when I have brought it
to the attention of the DOJ, the PA AG, the FHFA OIG, elected
federal congress people and state agencies I was ignored, threatened
by PA STATE Police in Belfast, my home has been broken into 3 times
while I was at work I have nothing now nothing all stolen with no
paperwork just recently this Saturday. May 25, 2013. in 2005 with this address 4293
Hillendale Road (Public records manipulation... and my husband's
signature. My husband died in 1998 -- id theft. I am wondering if
the mortgage crisis perpetrated by these greedy banksters have
devised a twisted form of the straw purchase. Taking a note,
fraudulently prepared or not (highly unlikely) swapping it for
gains/commissions in the secularization trust pools and then tanking the
homeowner and destroying the credit rating and stealing the house
still while holding on to the investment. Matt Weidner explains when
does a non-negotiable instrument become a negotiable security.....
albeit the same mortgage note?
This above scenario has just happened to me. And when I have brought it
to the attention of the DOJ, the PA AG, the FHFA OIG, elected
federal congress people and state agencies I was ignored, threatened
by PA STATE Police in Belfast, my home has been broken into 3 times
while I was at work I have nothing now nothing all stolen with no
paperwork just recently this Saturday. May 25, 2013.
I will post more as this goes -- lets write to the PA GOV and PA AG to help stop this abuse.
ReplyDeletePlease be advised that I talked to the property owners of 4293 Hillendale Road -- do not be surprised if they call you. As this has happened before in Lower Mount Bethel Township on Gravel Hill.
Let me explain, Lower Mount Bethel is a the most rural township in Northamtpon County - the township is comprised
of acres of farmland. It would be easy to produce a fraudulent straw mortgage with a fake address using a farmer's field. To find out that this has already happened to another farmer on Gravel Hill was all the proof I needed to know I have been personally scammed. And the cover -up.
I called the PA STATE POLICE last night also to follow up on the theft that occured at my home Saturday morning May 25th, 2013 Trooper Kelly responded.
I was told by the dispatcher that I do not live at 4293 Hillendale road anymore, the female dispatcher is correct I don't live there anymore -- I never lived in a corn field. She also threatened me with arrest if I was on my own property. I again said I wanted the paperwork. You know the same paperwork I have been asking for since March 15th when Art Jenkins of Pocono Advantage real Estate and Corp. Mahady showed up to escort my daughter and I out of our home on 4293 First Terrace.
How is it that Mike Ayoub resides on 4283 First Terrace along with the rest of the First terrace residents but I live on 4293 Hillendale road in a corn field. and that 4293 Hillendale road isn't a legal address in the 911 system.
Come On this is a blatant fraud and you government officials have been called out to do something about it.
In addition, I would like my home contents back ASAP the ones that were stolen by Art Jenkins that are now stored at the Additional Storage at the Gap and the contents stolen yesterday by
Gary Buskirk and Jim Ayoub
name: Gary L. Buskirk
aka Gary Boskirk
347 Gren St.
Bath, PA.
formally of Northampton PA
graduated Northampton Area high School in 2007.
From what saw has felony record. Could not access details.
Also from looks at facebook page is involved in illegal activies ( already knew that, but was suspicious photos on facebook).
Married to one Samantha Fedio
Also graduated Northapton Area High, her in 2011.
Possible Relatives:
Todd Buskirk: Warden at Northampton County Jail
Even more probabale
Jessica J Villani,
Chin Y Tan,
Lorenzo Disante,
Loreta Villani,
Vito L Villani,
Susan M Buskirk,definitly
Cory Buskirk,definitly
Anja W Marino,
Harold H Buskirk most likely father or brother. lives with at above address.
Sammy Buskirk-brother
You hire felons at Fannie Mae? Not surprised the banks steal, lie and rob --
Gary Buskirk of USA Enterprises is a sub contractor of Jim Ayoub (whose brother Mike Ayoub lives right next door to my home at 4283 First Terrace) told Trooper Kelly that Jim Ayoub was coming with the paperwork /work order.
Wrong I have the paperwork and it was Gary Buskirk who had this paperwork.
This is Fannie Mae's doing -- as the work order sign in sheet contact is Asset Management Speicialists 866-699-1734
the address is 4293 Hillindal, Bangor --
JoAnn Kennedy